Welcome From Myanmar

About Myanmar

Myanmar is known as Golden Land because of its Glittering Pagodas. Ever Green and pleasant. So, people renamed as ‘ the Garden city of the East’.Myanmar organized as a strong Union in the early 11th century (Bagan Period) by King Anawrratha. In the middle 16th Century , King Bayintnaung established the 2nd Union of Myanmar. In 1755, Myanmar was referred to 3rd Union of Myanmar by King Alaungpaya, the founder of the last dynasty of Myanmar Kingdom. When he conquered the lower part of Myanmar , he renamed Dagon (the ancient name) to Yangon, which means End of Strife. Myanmar was occupied by British in 1885 and gained Independent in 4 January 1948. Myanmar offers rich archaeological sites, glittering Pagodas, a wealth of culture, colourful festivals & arts. In Myanmar you will see & feel peaceful landscape, lush fertile plains, jungles, majestic snowcapped mountains, white sandy beaches, washed by crystal clear waters, fragrant pine trees & tropical flowers bathed in a abundant sunshine. But most of all, perfectly complimented by the most gracious and hospitable people.


Myanmar is located on the south-west corner of the main Land South East Asia. It is located between 9 30′ and 28 31′ north latitudes and 92 10′ and 101 11′ east longitudes.
The neighbouring countries are Bangladesh in the west, Thailand in the southeast, Katpali (Andaman Sea) in the south and Gulf of Mottama (Gulf of Martaban) in the south and the Bay of Bengal in the southwest. The country covers and area of 677,000square kilometers (261226 sq.miles) ranges forming an giant horseshoe. It faces Bay of Bengal, Gulf of Bengal, Gulf of Mottama and Andaman seas, it has 2832km(1385 miles) long coastline consisting of Rakhine (Arakan) coastline (443 miles), Ayeyarwaddy (Irrawady) Delta coastline (272 miles) and Tanintharyi (Tennaserim) coastline (670 miles). Myanmar has (3908 miles) of international land boundary (1034 miles) with Thailand, (146 milrdz0 with People’s Republic of China, (903 miles) with India (Assam) and (169 miles) with Bangladesh.


Myanmar is a ” River State” based upon the Ayeyarwaddy-Chindwin-Sittaung Valley which is almost enriched with mountain ranges and highlands except in the south, where it opens towards the Katpali Sea. Physiographically Myanmar is divided into 4 major divisions namely (a) the Rakhine Coastal area in the west, (b) the western mountain ranges (Indo-Burmese ranges), (c) the central lowland and (d) the Eastern highlands. Eastern Kachin mountains with average elevation over 10000 ft are the hightst mountain in Myanmar with well-known highest peak of Hkakaborazi(19296 ft) and the second highest Gnlang-Razi (19142 ft).


As Myanmar lies mostly in the tropical region, its climate is said to be monsoon with 3distinct seasons namely the hot Season(summer) from mid –February to Mid-May, the Rainy season from mid May to mid-October and the cool season(Winter) from mid-October to mid-February. Annually rainfall receives from 500cm in the coastal regions to 75cm and less in the dry zone. Average annual temperature range 21C in the northern lowland to 31C in coastal delta area. Myanmar has Tourist Friendly climate.


The Union of Myanmar is made up of 135 national races. The main races are Kachin ,Kayah, Kayin, Chin, Bamar, Mon, Rakhine and Shan. Population of Myanmar is about 52 million.


Buddhism is the main religion in Myanmar, but there are also other religion such as Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Spiritualism and others.


Myanmar lies between 2 great civilization- China and India, but its culture is neither that of India nor either China. Its culture is the bland of both interspersed with Myanmar traits and characteristics. Myanmar People pay deep respects to the Buddha, Dhamma, Sangha , Parents and teachers, Myanmar People have preserved the traditions of close family ties, respect for the elders. Myanmar are known for their simplicity, honesty, generosity , hospitality and friendliness.


Myanmar suffered extensive damage in World War 2, and some sectors of its economy have not yet fully recovered. About 60% of the population works in agriculture and forestry. About 60% of the population works in agriculture and forestry. Other important croups are corn, peanuts, beans , oil seeds and sugarcane. Myanmar has liberalized domestic and external trades, promoting the role of private sector and opening up to foreign Investment. The Union of Myanmar Foreign Investment Commission has been set up. Agriculture remains the main sector of the economy.
The country is rich in minerals. Petroleum is found east of the Ayeyarwaddy in the Dry Zone. Tin and tungsten are mined in Myanmar, the Mawchi mines in Kayah State are also rich in tungsten. In the Shan State, northwest of Lashio are the Bawdwin mines, the source of lead, silver and zinc. Coal ,copper, natural gas and iron deposits have also been found in Myanmar Gems( notably rubies and sapphires) are found near Mogok. Since the 13th century , Myanmar has exported to China jade from the Hunkawng valley in the north.


Foreigners and non-residents can bring into Myanmar any foreign currency not in its equalivant without making a declaration to the Customs on arrival. Jewelleries ,electrical goods and cameras must be declared at the airport. Antiques and archaeologically valuable items are not allowed to be taken out.


Myanmar currency is known as Kyat, made up of 100 Pyas. Currency notes come in the following denominations. K5555000, K 1000, K 500, K200, K 100, K 50. For the convenience of the visitors, Foreign Exchange Certificates (FECs) are issued by the Central Bank of Myanmar to use during Stay. This FECs are acceptable like US dollars by any person in the Union of Myanmar. It is printed on the note as 1FEC=1USD. Visitors are not allowed to bring in or take out Kyats.


The official language is Myanmar. English is widely spoken and understood.


Myanmar is country with a rich history in arts and crafts. There are 10 Myanmar traditional arts ,which are metaphorically called ‘ Ten Flowers’.
Panbe (the art of blacksmith)
Panbu (the art of sculpture)
Pantain (the art of gold and silver smith)
Pantin (the art of bronze casting)
Pantaut( the art of making floral designs using masonry)
Panyan (the art of bricklaying and masonry)
Pantamault (the art of sculpting with stone)
Panpoot (the art of turning designs on the lathe)
Panchi (the art of painting)
Panyun (the art of making lacquer ware)

Passport and Visa

A valid passport with Entry Visa is required for all visitors. A Tourist Visa allows a stay of 28 days, extendable. A Business Visa allows a stay of 28 days, extendable up to 12 months on a case-by-case basis. Visa on Arrival is granted to Package Tourists with the assistance of the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism. Overland entry is permitted to Thai tourists with vborder pass and for third country tourists with visa at Tachileik, Border. Chinese tourists with border pass and third country tourists with visa at Lweje, Banmaw , Laizar, Kanpytte, Nam Kham, Muse, Kyukike, Kwanlong, Mong Lar along Myuanmar-China Border.