Myanmar is the largest country by geographical area, with a total area of 677,000 square kilometres, in Southeast Asia, surrounded by the China 2,185 km on the northeast, Laos 235 km on the east, Thailand 1,800 km on the southeast, Bangladesh 193 km on the west, and India 1,462 km to the northwest. It has the Bay of Bengal to the southwest with the Gulf of Martaban and the Andaman Sea with a coastal line stretches up to 1,930 kilometers.
Administratively, it is divided into 7 States and 7 Divisions which are sub-divided into 64 districts, comprises of 324 townships with the estimation of about 51.48 million populations as of 2014 Census. Myanmar comprises eight major national ethnic races with some 135 ethnic groups such as Bamar, Chin, Kachin, Kayin, Kayah, Mon, Rakhine, and Shan. The “major national ethnic races” are grouped primarily according to the region.
Many tourists attractive areas of dazzling waterfalls, graceful lakes, snow-capped mountains, enchanting caves, deserted and pristine beaches, distinctive biodiversity archipelagos, and glorious heritage spanning of more than 2,000 years in Bagan are presenting that Myanmar remains one of the most premier destinations in the world. The weather all over Myanmar is excellent so don’t wait for the high season but visit now. Myanmar continues to be a very safe country for foreign tourists and currently, the continuous arrival of tourists through international airports, seaports and border gates. Travelers are suggested to stay always within the permitted areas as indicated on the website of the Ministry of Hotels and Tourism as per the link provided below.
Map of Permitted Area: dpsmap.com/permittedarea/
Permitted Area: tourism.gov.mm/en_US/information/permitted-area/