Pyin Oo Lwin was originally called Maymyo which was founded by the British in 1896. Maymyo means May town and it was designed as a place to escape from very hot climate in Mandalay as has a relatively cool climate. It is located 67 km east of Mandalay with the height of over 3,500 ft above the sea level. Although the name was changed after British rule, there are various colonial mansions, buildings and churches still remain in the town. Pyin Oo Lwin is still the most important weekend and hot-season retreat spots where you can see and explore the beautiful Botanical Garden, Pwe Gauk falls or B.E waterfalls, Dat Taw Gyaint waterfall, Peik Chin Myaung cave, several colonial legacies with such as 19th century country houses and the Candacraig, a colonial mansion built in 1904, the Governor’s House. Pyin Oo Lwin has become famous for its fruits, jams, fruit wines, fresh flowers. The colorful wooden horse-drawn wagons are one of the primary forms of transport which can take you to get around the town with reasonable price. [Location: 67 km east of Mandalay, Mandalay Division].